City of Wanneroo

The City of Wanneroo’s intranet is one of Market Creations Agency’s largest website application builds to date, servicing over 1,000 staff members and hosting over 1,300 documents.

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Client Name
City of Wanneroo


Website Design,

About the client

The City of Wanneroo is one of the fastest-growing local governments in Australia. Each year, around 8,000 new residents join the City, which spans 687 square kilometres of bushland, wetlands, urban and rural areas, as well as 32 kilometres of coastline.

The Project

The project was awarded to Market Creations Agency following a highly competitive open public tender process that saw interstate and international companies pitch for the work. Market Creations Agency was awarded for our in-depth knowledge of Western Australian Local Government Authorities, our partnership with WALGA and our ability to work ‘on the ground’ with the City of Wanneroo’s project team.

The Scale

Both the software and hardware infrastructure that supports the CouncilConnect platform and its websites underwent upgrades as part of this build to cater for the number of users the City of Wanneroo have. This included enhancing the platform's redundancy and disaster recovery, implementing new infrastructure to increase the platform's capacity, and updating the Spark CMS to take advantage of the new infrastructure.

Stakeholder Engagement

To ensure the intranet supported the City’s business drivers and key stakeholder needs, an extensive stakeholder engagement process was conducted. This included an all staff online survey and face-to-face workshops with managers, executive team members, office staff and the outdoor workforce.

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The Outcome

The intranet went through a soft launch in February 2020 to the project team. The City then managed the deployment of content before an organisational wide launch in the 19/20 financial year. Features include searchable staff profiles, a personalised welcome message, an interactive comments feature on news and event items, integration with TRIM document management system and the Single Sign-On module.